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Phone Consultation

We offers free phone consultations to discuss your concerns and determine if we are a good fit for you and your child.  Phone calls typically last for 15 minutes.


An evaluation consists of formal and informal assessments.  Evaluations typically last for 45 minutes.  Immediately after the evaluation a review of the results will be presented.  A typed up report will be emailed to you.  The report can also be sent to any other healthcare providers.

Therapy Services

Sessions typically last for 40 minutes.  Sessions take place in our office location at 10125 S. Roberts Road, Suite 104, Palos Hills, IL 60465.  Sessions are structured around play, therapy should be fun and something that your child looks forward to!  Parent education will be provided at every session to aid your child's progress.

Happy Baby
Happy Toddler

Areas of Expertise

We have experience working with children ages birth through school age in the areas of:


Myofunctional Therapy

What is myofunctional therapy?

Myofunctional therapy looks at how the muscles of face are working independently and together.  Muscle dysfunction affects dentition, speech, and eating. The goals of Myofunctional therapy are to establish nasal breathing (and eliminate mouth breathing), teach the tongue to rest in the correct position (on the roof of the mouth), proper chewing and swallowing.

How do I know if myself or my child has a Myofunctional disorder?  Here are some signs:

  • Tongue thrust

  • Misaligned teeth

  • Snoring/sleep apnea

  • Mouth breathing

  • Picky eating

  • Speech sound errors

  • Decreased speech intelligibility at the conversational level

  • Difficulty chewing 

  • Difficulty swallowing

  • Drooling

  • Open mouth posture

Who is Myofunctional therapy appropriate for?

Anyone aged 4 and older.  A modified myofunctional therapy program can be used with younger children.

Infant Feeding Therapy

Signs of difficulty breast/bottle feeding:

  • Poor weight gain

  • Shallow latch

  • Upper lip curls inward

  • Liquid spills out of corners of mouth

  • Maternal pain

  • Fast breathing/poor coordination of breathing 

  • Reflux

  • Inability to breastfeed

  • Slow feedings

  • Frustration during feedings

  • Falling asleep during feedings

  • Gagging

  • coughing/choking

  • Biting on nipple

  • Low volume of milk transfer

  • Frequent relatching

  • In/out movement of nipple

What does treatment look like?

Treatment involves passive exercises (meaning the baby doesn’t have to do anything), parents are taught exercises and stretches to improve functioning in the muscles of the face, mouth and tongue to improve breast and/or bottle feeding. 

Toddler Feeding Therapy

Signs of feeding difficulties in toddlers:

  • Picky eaters

  • Difficulty transitioning to purees or solid foods

  • Coughing/choking

  • Gagging

  • Pocketing of food

  • Overstuffing mouth with food

  • Difficulty chewing

  • Difficulty moving food around the mouth

  • Messy eating

  • Food refusal

  • Difficulty eating tougher foods (i.e., meat)

What does treatment look like?

Treatment involves fun activities and exercises using food and oral motor tools (such as chewy tubes) to strengthen the muscles within the mouth.  Exploring sensory experiences with different food textures and flavors is also an important part of therapy.

Speech Therapy

Speech and Oral Motor Therapy

Many children with speech difficulties have underlying dysfunction in the muscles of the mouth.

Signs your child has a speech or oral motor delay:

  • Difficulty with sounds, check out this visual to determine if your child is on track for speech sound development 

  • Difficulty combing words to form phrases and sentences

  • Decreased speech clarity as the length of the phrase increases

  • Drooling

  • Open mouth posture

  • Limited mouthing of toys/hands as a baby

  • Continued mouthing of items past age 3

  • Delayed onset of babbling/first words (babbling should be present by 6 months, first words by 1 year)

Language Therapy

Signs your child has a language delay, does your child have difficulty:

  • Following directions

  • Answering or asking questions

  • Using language spontaneously (without being prompted)

  • Using language for different functions (requesting, commenting, asking questions)

  • Using different types of words (verbs, adjectives, nouns, pronouns)

  • Combine words to form phrases/sentences

  • Using language in social situations

During therapy we use play to target goals.  We believe children learn their best through play and having fun is part of every session!

We invite you to take a look...

We provides private in-office speech therapy, specializing in the evaluation and treatment of feeding, language, oral motor and speech sound disorders.  

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